About Us:
AArchitecture is the student-run magazine of the Architectural Association and welcomes contributions from all professions and perspectives.

Format of Contributions:
As we are transitioning from a print magazine into an online publication, we will be increasing the range of contribution media beyond writing, to include photography, films, and artwork amongst others.

At the end of the editorial cycle an anthology will be published, bringing together online contributions to AArchitecture in physical form.

Online Publication:
The Warm War call for media will be open until June 2022. We will be publishing contributions from March 2022 on a rolling basis. Get in touch here or send an email to aarchitecture@aaschool.ac.uk if you are interested in discussing how to contribute.


The Warm War is an intermediary space. It’s not quite the Cold War: the open hostility, espionage and nuclear dread that made up the power struggle between Federalism and Communism. Neither is it a ‘hot’ war: a carving of a boundary through total violence. The Warm War is a murkier conflict.

It is being fought primarily with technocratic instruments, where operatives traverse planetary infrastructures with covert military operations, insidious new modes of combat, deceptive targeting, and backroom policy transformation. It is data warfare; never virtual, always material. Information and misinformation flow through social media and mobile feeds. For policy makers, military and corporate strategists, these noise machines become a battleground. This shifting axis of conflict continuously thickens and thins boundaries of negotiation.